Trusted And Authoritative New York Litigation Consultant

Need a solid and astute legal witness? Allow Litigation Consultant Lawrence Fennelly to review your client’s case and offer his insights.

As an attorney, your cases can range from open-and-shut to deeply complex and challenging. You may be facing a lack of tangible evidence, inconclusive crime scene data, or a crime scene investigation that was carried out poorly. But your client still deserves a strong voice in court and justice. Who can you turn to when the odds seem stacked against you in the courtroom?

Veteran litigation consultant Lawrence Fennelly has over 40 years of experience working alongside and within security and the legal world. Having authored 42 books on crime scene investigation and security standards, he’s prepared to offer his decades of astute experience to help strengthen your next tough case.

Crime in New York is an ever-present reality, and cases involving sexual violence or physical assault present unique challenges. Allow forensic security risk assessment firm Litigation Consultants to review all evidence and discover nuanced aspects of a case that others have missed.

Call For A Free Consultation | (617) 616-8742

How Can A Litigation Consultant Help Your Client’s Case?

Litigation Consultant, New York

Litigation consultants assist lawyers in the courtroom by providing their legal witness, supplying visual aides (such as diagrams) in the courtroom, and reviewing evidence to find details missed during the initial investigation.

When you’re defending or prosecuting a case where evidence is in need of careful explanation, allow Lawrence Fennelly to review all materials and offer his insights to a jury. Understanding physical evidence, building security, and crime scene data takes objective and practiced insight and Mr. Fennelly brings with him decades of such insight.

A jury has the capacity to be swayed more by emotion than by the important details that can make or break a case. With his varied background in law enforcement, security, and forensics, Lawrence Fennelly can cut through these emotional hurdles with carefully explained observations and data to bring greater clarity to a difficult case.

What if the evidence within your case is exceptionally poor? Lawrence Fennelly makes it a professional and personal priority to travel and re-interview witnesses in New York State and throughout New England, finding details that initial investigations may have overlooked.

New evidence discovered along the way is also collected, allowing Mr. Fennelly to return to you with fresh insights and an objective look at your case. This new information can be immensely valuable in helping a jury see beyond broad strokes of information toward details that matter.

What Sorts Of Cases Can A Litigation Consultant Assist With?

Some of the toughest cases to properly defend or prosecute involve physical violence. Crime scenes where a violent crime has taken place can be difficult to interpret visually, and the startling photos taken on-site can have an unhelpful emotional impact on a jury. A litigation consultant can be invaluable in assisting a jury in properly deciphering images and data more objectively.

Alternatively, you may be seeking to prove that an alleged sexual encounter was consensual. Consider the lengthy and complicated case of Trevor Bauer, wherein key evidence was said to have been withheld from his legal team. Collecting evidence linked to prior consent, past relationships, background, and the scene itself takes diligence and impassioned attention to detail.

Similarly, defending a case wherein a client is accused of physical assault takes experience with the more subtle aspects of witness testimony, context, and crime scene data. Lawrence Fennelly has decades of experience handling everything from physical evidence to complex interviews with suspected victims and aggressors. Allow his reputation and fantastic track record to speak for you and your client in the courtroom.

Call For A Free Consultation | (617) 616-8742

Litigation Consultant Lawrence Fennelly: A Sterling Reputation And Decades Of Positive Results

Litigation Consultant, New York

Need a key witness on a complex case? Allow Lawrence Fennelly to lend his years of command within and beyond the courtroom.

Prosecuting and defending cases involving violent crime in New York can be frustrating and emotionally fraught. What’s more, evidence may be lacking or else was poorly collected from the start. You need a seasoned, authoritative legal voice to help make your case, and Lawrence Fennelly can offer just that.

Winning a case is about more than simply arguing well; you need a jury to understand and rightly interpret all data. If you’re in need of second-to-none forensic security consulting services, reach out to the team of Litigation Consultants today.

Lawrence Fennelly spent decades in law enforcement while pursuing advanced degrees in Criminal Science. An active lifetime member of the American Society for Industrial Security (Boston Chapter), he has the years of legal experience you need to help gather and interpret evidence well and win a case.

For a free initial consultation, please feel free to reach out to Litigation Consultants’ Lawrence Fennelly at (617) 616-8742. Allow your next tough case in New York to benefit from the insights of a trusted, diligent legal authority today.

Call For A Free Consultation | (617) 616-8742
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