Experienced Rhode Island Forensic Security Risk Assessment Firm

Have you recently taken on litigation and realized you’re in over your head? Litigation Consultants, a forensic security risk assessment firm, can help you dig deeper into the evidence and gain the edge you’ll need to set your case on an entirely new trajectory.

It shouldn’t be any surprise to you, as you most likely experience it yourself – the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, with digital technologies driving this change. As convenient as this has been – our lives are undeniably easier with access to an incredibly vast amount of information and communication to virtually anyone around the world with a few touches of a screen – it wouldn’t be fair to ignore the dangers that have come with it.

Whether things like corporate espionage, data breaches, and old-fashioned physical violence, if you’re representing someone who has been harmed in one way or another as the result of a security failure, you know firsthand the importance of safeguarding important personal information, establishing and carrying out measures to protect confidentiality and privacy, and mitigating intrusions. These sorts of attacks, whether the unauthorized acquisition of personal data or unauthorized entry of a building,  can range from identity theft and significant financial loss, for example, to suffering an act of violence and being physically harmed.

You don’t need me to tell you this – taking up litigation is difficult. There’s simply no two ways about it. But cases that center around security breaches have profound real-life consequences on those affected; as difficult as they may be, there’s no excuse not to deliver. What do you do if you find you’re at the end of yourself and have exhausted all possible routes in an attempt to build as strong a case for your client as you can?

This is where Lawrence Fennelly of Litigation Consultants and his litigation cases support services can truly be of immense value to you. Based in Bellingham, MA, Lawrence serves attorneys throughout the northeastern United States, including Rhode Island, who could use solid forensic security consulting services to take their litigation to the next level. He draws on his years of experience to identify exactly what it is that your case needs, then makes it happen.

Call For A Free Consultation | (617) 616-8742

Understanding Forensic Security Risk Assessment

Experienced Rhode Island Forensic Security Risk Assessment Firm

Forensic security risk assessment is the systematic evaluation of an organization, be it physical or digital. These assessments identify under-protected or entirely unprotected points that can be exploited and attacked by an ill-willed party. Oftentimes, these assessments are followed with recommendations for improvements to existing protocols or additional ones to add as part of the overarching set of security policies and procedures. Forensic security consultants carry out these evaluations and recommendations, which have profound effects throughout society by preserving the strength of organizations and preventing crime, whether pertaining to people’s digitized identities or physical safety.

How Can A Litigation Consultant Help Me In My Litigation?

Lawrence’s consultation services include a range of sub-services that will help you immensely. Lawrence sets out to identify and vulnerabilities that may have been at play with the aim of mitigating any contribution they had on causing the case you’re working on. This applies across several contexts, including digital forensics, cybersecurity, incident response, and physical security, just to name a few.

In addition to consulting on the specific case you’re working on, Lawrence Fennelly provides security assessment and training services. These services are designed to equip you to handle situations similar to the current case, as well as those that may differ considerably. The ultimate goal is to get you in a position to be more savvy when it comes to security protocols and practices, enhancing your overall preparedness and effectiveness in protecting your clients’ interests well into the future.

For cases where physical security is in focus, Lawrence’s building security assessment services are especially relevant. They cover a comprehensive assessment of security protocols in place at the premises in question. After his on-site visit, he’ll produce a report that summarizes vulnerabilities and provides solutions to correct them. These have helped offset instances of unauthorized access, theft, and physical violence, among others.

Call For A Free Consultation | (617) 616-8742

Enhance Your Security Now

Experienced Rhode Island Forensic Security Risk Assessment Firm

Litigation Consultants

If you have a client who has recently realized their security standards are not up to the level they should be or are in the midst of an investigation but are at a standstill and don’t know where to turn in Rhode Island, don’t risk making an oversight or entirely wrong move that could have severe implications on your firm and client’s reputation, financial well-being, or ongoing safety.

Email or call Lawrence Fennelly of Litigation Consultants at (617) 616-8742 for a free consultation today. He’ll connect with you and get to know you. As he does, he’ll see just how he can help turn things around in the case you’re toiling away at. You’ll quickly see how and be put at ease with a profound sense that he’ll be your trusted partner and advisor throughout your case.

Call For A Free Consultation | (617) 616-8742
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